Benton 0
Solon 5
Friday, July 12, 2019 - 7:00 PM CT Solon Recreation and Nature Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T
Benton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Solon 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 5


Period Clock Play
1 - 0 2
2 - 0 5
3 - 0 5
4 - 0 5
5 - 0 5
6 - 0 5
7 - 0 5
Game Leaders
  • Benton
  • Hits | Angie Gorkow, SR
    H 1 BA .333 R 0
  • RBI
    No Stats
  • Earned Run Average | Katelyn Buscher, SO
    ERA 3.50 IP 6 SO 0
  • Strikeouts
    No Stats
  • Solon
  • Hits | Skylar Stookey, SR
    H 2 BA .667 R 1 RBI 1 2B 2
  • RBI | Taylor Moore, SR
    H 0 BA .000 R 0 RBI 2
  • Earned Run Average | Kayla West, JR
    ERA 0.00 IP 7 SO 5
  • Strikeouts | Kayla West, JR
    ERA 0.00 IP 7 SO 5
Solon Recreation and Nature Area
Benton vs Solon Bracket Game
Friday, July 12, 2019 - 7:00 PM CT
Bracket: Class 3A - Region 5

Game Stats

At Bats 23 30
Runs 0 5
Hits 2 10
Singles 2 4
Doubles 0 6
Triples 0 0
Home Runs 0 0
RBI 0 5
Sacrifice Bunts 0 0
Sacrifice Flys 0 0
Walks 2 0
Hit By Pitches 0 0
Reached On Errors 0 0
Strikeouts 5 0
Total Bases 2.0 16.0
Batting Average .087 .333
On Base Percentage .160 .333
Slugging Percentage 0.087 0.533
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 0 5
Total Bases 2.0 16.0
Stolen Bases Allowed 0 0
Stolen Bases 0 0
Assists 11 5
Put Outs 18 15
Errors 2 0
Total Chances 31 20
Fielding Percentage .935 1.000
Thrown Out Stealing 0 0
Stolen Bases Allowed 0 0
Innings Pitched 6.0 7.0
Pitch Count 87 77
Opponent At Bats 30 25
Opponent Batting Average .233 .080
Hits Allowed 7 2
Runs Allowed 5 0
Earned Runs Allowed 3 0
Walks Allowed 2 1
Hit Batters 0 0
Sacrifices Allowed 0 0
Strikeouts 0 5
Earned Run Average 3.50 0.00
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 1.50 0.43
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