
Date Opponent(s) Result Earned Seed Points Opponent W-L Caption Location Transportation
12/10/21 vs opponent-logo Harding County L 21-73 36 14-5

Double Header: JV/V (JV Girls Start at 3:00 followed by JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys)

Austin Auditorium
12/11/21 vs opponent-logo Bison W 44-35 41 4-13

Double Header JVG-JVB-VG-VB

Newell - Austin Auditorium
12/14/21 vs opponent-logo Lead-Deadwood L 15-49 32 1-19

Double Header JV & V

Lead-Deadwood High School
12/16/21 @ opponent-logo McIntosh L 27-57 33 5-12

VG-VB only

12/20/21 @ opponent-logo Lemmon L 15-60 36 11-9

Double Header GJV/BJV/GV/BV

1/6/22 vs Sundance, WY L 34-63 38 12-10

JV & V

Newell - Austin Auditorium
1/13/22 vs Upton, WY L 15-71 39 20-1


Newell - Austin Auditorium
1/14/22 vs Moorcroft, WY L 24-53 35 6-16


Newell - Austin Auditorium
1/15/22 vs opponent-logo Edgemont L 23-50 30 4-16

West River Tournament

Rapid City Civic Center Ice Arena
1/25/22 @ opponent-logo New Underwood L 32-73 33 7-13

New Underwood School District
1/28/22 vs opponent-logo Faith 3:00 PM 11-9

Double Header C girls, JV Girls, V Girls, Faith Boys JV vs Newell V

Newell - Austin Auditorium
1/29/22 vs opponent-logo Philip L 37-60 36 14-6

Double Header JVG-JVB-VG-VB

Newell - Austin Auditorium
2/3/22 @ opponent-logo Hill City L 18-66 35 7-13

JV@4:30/ Var@7:30

Hill City Gym
2/4/22 vs opponent-logo Edgemont L 32-33 30 4-16

Newell - Austin Auditorium
2/8/22 vs opponent-logo Oelrichs L 28-59 36 14-6

Double Header JVG-JVB-VG-VB

Oelrichs Public School
2/11/22 vs opponent-logo Non-Varsity Opponent 4:00 PM 0-0

vs. Timber Lake JV

Timber Lake School New Gym
2/12/22 @ opponent-logo Tiospaye Topa L 33-47 30 3-14

Postponed: Double Header JVG-JVB-VG-VB

Tiospaye Topa School
2/17/22 vs opponent-logo Dupree L 53-73 35 8-11

Double Header JVG-JVB-VG-VB

Newell - Austin Auditorium
2/19/22 vs opponent-logo Wall L 27-64 36 12-8

JV & V

Newell - Austin Auditorium
2/28/22 vs opponent-logo Tiospaye Topa L 41-65 3-14

Class B - Region 8 First Round

Tiospaye topa

Seed Point Average for Newell: 34.765

Seed Points Metrics

* Seed points awarded based on opponent's win percentage (opponent's wins divided by opponent's number of games played):
Opponent Win Percentage Points For Win Points For Loss
0.75 - 1.00 50 39
0.50 - 0.749 47 36
0.25 - 0.499 44 33
0.00 - 0.249 41 30
  • No points are deducted for contests against teams from a lower classification. EXCEPTION: In Class AA, two points deducted for each contest played against a Class A opponent and three points deducted for each contest against a Class B opponent.
  • Two points added for each contest played against an opponent from one classification higher.
  • Three points added for each contest played against an opponent from two classifications higher.
  • Only contests against varsity opponents shall count towards seed points.
  • A team’s seed point average will be determined by dividing the total number of seed points earned by the total number of contests played against varsity opponents, regardless of the opponent’s classification.
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