Postponed: Rescheduled to June 21

Louisa-Muscatine 0
Hillcrest Academy 0
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - 6:00 PM CT Hillcrest Academy
Louisa-Muscatine vs Hillcrest Academy Postponed: Rescheduled to June 21
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 - 6:00 PM CT
Season Leaders
  • Louisa-Muscatine
    Hillcrest Academy
  • Hits | Kylee Sanders, SR
    H 58 BA .630 R 48 RBI 27 2B 9 3B 5 HR 3 SB 11
    Hits | Madeline Fox, SR
    H 22 BA .415 R 11 RBI 6 2B 4 3B 1 SB 5
  • RBI | McKenna Hohenadel, JR
    H 33 BA .465 R 28 RBI 27 2B 7 HR 3 SB 12
    RBI | Malia Yoder, 08
    H 16 BA .314 R 7 RBI 11 2B 1 SB 2
  • Wins | Piper Brant, JR
    W 10 IP 74 ERA 2.46
    No Stats
  • Earned Run Average | Kylee Sanders, SR
    ERA 0.94 IP 74 2/3 SO 112
    Earned Run Average | Malia Yoder, 08
    ERA 7.28 IP 33 2/3 SO 12
  • Strikeouts | Kylee Sanders, SR
    ERA 0.94 IP 74 2/3 SO 112
    Strikeouts | Leah Bontrager, JR
    ERA 12.38 IP 87 2/3 SO 53
Hillcrest Academy

Season Stats

Runs Scored 7.4 2.6
Runs Against 3.4 12.7
At Bats 781 499
Runs 216 59
Hits 266 134
Singles 212 113
Doubles 36 17
Triples 7 3
Home Runs 11 1
RBI 176 45
Sacrifice Bunts 14 2
Sacrifice Flys 5 1
Walks 78 31
Hit By Pitches 18 4
Reached On Errors 46 13
Strikeouts 84 115
Total Bases 349.0 160.0
Batting Average .341 .269
On Base Percentage .410 .316
Slugging Percentage 0.447 0.321
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 216 59
Total Bases 349.0 160.0
Stolen Bases 37 20
Stolen Bases Allowed 18 0
Assists 194 154
Put Outs 511 358
Errors 70 86
Total Chances 775 598
Fielding Percentage .910 .856
Thrown Out Stealing 5 2
Stolen Bases Allowed 18 0
Pitching Appearances 46 28
Saves 2 0
Innings Pitched 172.1 121.1
Opponent Batting Average .199 .317
Pitch Count 2670 0
Opponent At Bats 788 792
Hits Allowed 157 251
Runs Allowed 100 292
Earned Runs Allowed 51 190
Walks Allowed 54 77
Hit Batters 1 18
Sacrifices Allowed 0 0
Earned Run Average 2.07 10.96
Strikeouts 175 65
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 1.22 2.70
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