Postponed to 7/3/24

Panorama 0
East Union 0
Friday, June 28, 2024 - 7:00 PM CT East Union Community School
Panorama vs East Union Postponed to 7/3/24
Friday, June 28, 2024 - 7:00 PM CT
Season Leaders
  • Panorama
    East Union
  • Hits | Lindy Nelson, SR
    H 29 BA .312 R 23 RBI 27 2B 12 HR 1 SB 2
    Hits | Kayli Shade, SO
    H 22 BA .386 R 22 RBI 16 2B 4 3B 2 HR 1 SB 6
  • RBI | Lindy Nelson, SR
    H 29 BA .312 R 23 RBI 27 2B 12 HR 1 SB 2
    RBI | Haley Willett, SO
    H 21 BA .288 R 10 RBI 17 2B 3
  • Wins | Arilyan Steenblock, JR
    W 7 IP 97 1/3 ERA 8.63
    Wins | Tristin Lear, SO
    W 4 IP 89 1/3 ERA 12.07
  • Earned Run Average | Arilyan Steenblock, JR
    ERA 8.63 IP 97 1/3 SO 54
    Earned Run Average | Kathryn Lack, FR
    ERA 10.50 IP 8 2/3 SO 4
  • Strikeouts | Arilyan Steenblock, JR
    ERA 8.63 IP 97 1/3 SO 54
    Strikeouts | Tristin Lear, SO
    ERA 12.07 IP 89 1/3 SO 75
East Union Community School

Season Stats

Runs Scored 5.8 4.2
Runs Against 11.2 13.8
At Bats 686 497
Runs 175 108
Hits 182 132
Singles 129 107
Doubles 36 16
Triples 2 5
Home Runs 15 4
RBI 121 89
Sacrifice Bunts 1 1
Sacrifice Flys 5 1
Walks 87 58
Hit By Pitches 12 23
Reached On Errors 0 22
Strikeouts 131 140
Total Bases 267.0 170.0
Batting Average .265 .266
On Base Percentage .356 .368
Slugging Percentage 0.389 0.342
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 175 108
Total Bases 267.0 170.0
Stolen Bases 49 18
Stolen Bases Allowed 0 50
Assists 205 136
Put Outs 357 344
Errors 79 108
Total Chances 641 588
Fielding Percentage .877 .816
Thrown Out Stealing 16 6
Stolen Bases Allowed 0 50
Pitching Appearances 55 36
Saves 0 0
Innings Pitched 155.0 113.1
Opponent Batting Average .274 .374
Pitch Count 3306 2919
Opponent At Bats 1049 658
Hits Allowed 287 246
Runs Allowed 332 358
Earned Runs Allowed 244 227
Walks Allowed 244 160
Hit Batters 7 42
Sacrifices Allowed 0 8
Earned Run Average 11.02 14.02
Strikeouts 86 81
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 3.43 3.58
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