Newton 3
Davenport West 8
Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 1:30 PM CT Davenport West BB/SB Complex
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T
Newton 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3
Davenport West 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8


Period Clock Play
1 - 0 0
2 - 0 0
3 - 0 0
4 - 0 0
5 - 0 0
6 - 3 8
7 - 3 8
Game Leaders
  • Newton
  • Hits | Mason Mendez, FR
    H 2 BA .667 R 1 RBI 2 SB 1
  • RBI | Mason Mendez, FR
    H 2 BA .667 R 1 RBI 2 SB 1
  • Earned Run Average | Mason Mendez, FR
    ERA 0.00 IP 0 1/3 SO 0
  • Appearance | Mason Mendez, FR
    ERA 0.00 IP 0 1/3 SO 0
  • Strikeouts | John Frietsch, JR
    ERA 1.24 IP 5 2/3 SO 5
  • Davenport West
  • Hits | Kaleb Adomat, JR
    H 2 BA .667 R 0 2B 1
  • RBI | Mason Glasgow, SO
    H 1 BA .250 R 0 RBI 2
  • Earned Run Average | Wyatt Hass, SR
    ERA 0.00 IP 7 SO 12
  • Appearance | Wyatt Hass, SR
    ERA 0.00 IP 7 SO 12
  • Strikeouts | Wyatt Hass, SR
    ERA 0.00 IP 7 SO 12

Newton baseball drops pair of games in Quad Cities

Troy Hyde, Newton Daily News


Newton baseball drops pair of games in Quad Cities

Troy Hyde, Newton Daily News


Davenport West BB/SB Complex
Newton vs Davenport West Regular Season Game
Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 1:30 PM CT

Game Stats

At Bats 27 27
Runs 3 8
Hits 4 7
Singles 3 6
Doubles 1 1
Triples 0 0
Home Runs 0 0
RBI 3 5
Sacrifice Bunts 0 1
Sacrifice Flys 0 0
Walks 2 4
Hit By Pitches 1 1
Reached On Errors 1 3
Strikeouts 12 5
Total Bases 5.0 8.0
Batting Average .148 .259
On Base Percentage .233 .375
Slugging Percentage 0.185 0.296
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 3 8
Total Bases 5.0 8.0
Stolen Bases Allowed 3 3
Stolen Bases 2 2
Assists 4 5
Put Outs 18 15
Errors 4 3
Total Chances 26 23
Fielding Percentage .846 .870
Thrown Out Stealing 0 0
Stolen Bases Allowed 3 3
Appearance 0 0
Innings Pitched 6.0 7.0
Pitch Count 111 102
Opponent At Bats 33 30
Opponent Batting Average .212 .133
Hits Allowed 7 4
Runs Allowed 8 3
Earned Runs Allowed 1 0
Walks Allowed 3 2
Hit Batters 1 0
Sacrifices Allowed 0 0
Strikeouts 5 12
Earned Run Average 1.17 0.00
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 1.67 0.86
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