Postponed to 6/12/24

Tri-Center 0
Treynor 0
Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 7:30 PM CT Treynor Community School
Tri-Center vs Treynor Postponed to 6/12/24
Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 7:30 PM CT
Season Leaders
  • Tri-Center
  • Hits | Cael Witt, SO
    H 30 BA .448 R 21 RBI 12 2B 6 3B 2 HR 1 SB 18
    Hits | Charlie Schrage, SR
    H 23 BA .411 R 23 RBI 12 2B 2 3B 1 SB 9
  • RBI | Cameron Hoden, SR
    H 14 BA .246 R 13 RBI 18 2B 5 HR 1 SB 9
    RBI | Brody Larsen, FR
    H 23 BA .404 R 10 RBI 18 2B 5 SB 1
  • Wins | Isaac Wohlhuter, SR
    W 6 IP 37 1/3 ERA 1.69
    Wins | Andrew Kellar, SR
    W 4 IP 37 ERA 1.32
  • Earned Run Average | Adan Hernandez-Goldapp, FR
    ERA 0.00 IP 1 1/3 SO 3
    Earned Run Average | Andrew Kellar, SR
    ERA 1.32 IP 37 SO 32
  • Strikeouts | Lincoln Thomas, JR
    ERA 2.80 IP 30 SO 53
    Strikeouts | Ethan Hill, SO
    ERA 1.93 IP 29 SO 33
Treynor Community School

Season Stats

Runs Scored 6.8 6.7
Runs Against 3.6 4.1
At Bats 569 579
Runs 160 149
Hits 180 163
Singles 134 127
Doubles 36 33
Triples 3 3
Home Runs 7 0
RBI 132 120
Sacrifice Bunts 21 11
Sacrifice Flys 0 0
Walks 90 105
Hit By Pitches 23 43
Reached On Errors 32 32
Strikeouts 130 148
Total Bases 243.0 202.0
Batting Average .316 .282
On Base Percentage .430 .428
Slugging Percentage 0.427 0.349
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 160 149
Total Bases 243.0 202.0
Stolen Bases 106 65
Stolen Bases Allowed 69 54
Assists 148 166
Put Outs 411 420
Errors 41 42
Total Chances 600 628
Fielding Percentage .932 .933
Thrown Out Stealing 4 10
Stolen Bases Allowed 69 54
Pitching Appearances 50 43
Saves 1 3
Innings Pitched 137.2 140.0
Opponent Batting Average .168 .246
Pitch Count 2429 2268
Opponent At Bats 488 552
Hits Allowed 82 136
Runs Allowed 75 87
Earned Runs Allowed 56 47
Walks Allowed 81 62
Hit Batters 41 19
Sacrifices Allowed 11 13
Earned Run Average 2.85 2.35
Strikeouts 191 142
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 1.18 1.41
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