Postponed to 6/26/24

East Mills 0
Stanton 0
Friday, May 31, 2024 - 7:30 PM CT Anderson Park
East Mills vs Stanton Postponed to 6/26/24
Friday, May 31, 2024 - 7:30 PM CT
Season Leaders
  • East Mills
  • Hits | Zach Thornburg, SR
    H 24 BA .387 R 22 RBI 12 2B 2 SB 23
    Hits | Brody Holmes, SR
    H 32 BA .492 R 21 RBI 17 2B 10 SB 10
  • RBI | Ryan Sayers, JR
    H 17 BA .274 R 8 RBI 15 2B 2 SB 2
    RBI | Jacob Martin, JR
    H 21 BA .313 R 29 RBI 21 2B 5 3B 3 SB 22
  • Wins | Ryan Sayers, JR
    W 4 IP 41 2/3 ERA 2.86
    Wins | Gavin Ford, JR
    W 5 IP 46 ERA 3.35
  • Earned Run Average | Gabe Blanton, 08
    ERA 0.00 IP 1 SO 1
    Earned Run Average | Nolan Case, 08
    ERA 0.00 IP 4 1/3 SO 7
  • Strikeouts | Zach Thornburg, SR
    ERA 5.55 IP 35 1/3 SO 46
    Strikeouts | Gavin Ford, JR
    ERA 3.35 IP 46 SO 72
Anderson Park

Season Stats

Runs Scored 7.5 10.0
Runs Against 6.7 5.7
At Bats 500 528
Runs 140 199
Hits 133 175
Singles 122 135
Doubles 11 36
Triples 0 3
Home Runs 0 1
RBI 103 148
Sacrifice Bunts 2 10
Sacrifice Flys 7 3
Walks 108 146
Hit By Pitches 39 28
Reached On Errors 31 29
Strikeouts 162 136
Total Bases 144.0 220.0
Batting Average .266 .331
On Base Percentage .428 .495
Slugging Percentage 0.288 0.417
On-base Plus Slugging 0.000 0.000
Runs 140 199
Total Bases 144.0 220.0
Stolen Bases 86 113
Stolen Bases Allowed 65 70
Assists 143 108
Put Outs 354 348
Errors 45 56
Total Chances 542 512
Fielding Percentage .917 .891
Thrown Out Stealing 5 12
Stolen Bases Allowed 65 70
Pitching Appearances 37 45
Saves 1 1
Innings Pitched 118.1 124.0
Opponent Batting Average .247 .206
Pitch Count 2255 2379
Opponent At Bats 474 627
Hits Allowed 117 129
Runs Allowed 133 113
Earned Runs Allowed 94 68
Walks Allowed 120 83
Hit Batters 22 28
Sacrifices Allowed 6 1
Earned Run Average 5.56 3.84
Strikeouts 112 185
Walks And Hits Per Inning Pitched 2.00 1.71
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